Pocket Advocate App
Pocket Advocate App by Multiplied By One Org allows those with dissociative disorders to create Emergency Profiles and System Maps. The profiles are accessed via links to First Responders, or anyone who needs to assist those in dissociative states. The system maps facilitate those with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) to create and share descriptions of their alters, including subsystems.
System Map Features
Create a shareable map of your alters and subsystems on cards with names, pronouns, roles, and added information.
Keep your map private, if preferred, or make individual alters hidden.
Share your map via customizable link with optional passcode to anyone you wish.
Profile Features
Create a shareable profile with your diagnostics, medication, triggers, things that help, or added custom information.
Generate a QR code that can be scanned to take a first responder directly to your profile.
An optional password can protect your profile from access.
For the First Responders
A link or a QR code will lead to a profile with information for first responders to best assist in an emergency.
Information on dissociative disorders in the footer of every page is available for first responders.
A feature is coming soon to contact an advocate at Multiplied By One Org who can answer additional questions.
While currently only accessible as a web app via an existing browser, plans are to also make Pocket Advocate available for download in the App Store and Google Play.
Future features include the option for additional information on the system map cards, a tally count for the number of alters, and an overall system description. We are also exploring the possibility of a PluralKit integration.
Awareness cards that can tap on a smartphone and open the Emergency Profiles are on our list as an added option to the QR codes.