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Dissociative Artists Collaborative Gallery

Art pieces were submitted by members of Multiplied By One Org, bringing together lived experience and connected journeys.

Rose of the Byrd House System contemplates time loss, through late diagnosis and through gaps in memory, as the sands of time fall through her fingers.

~ The Byrd House

wilted rosé petals

I no longer feel ashamed that I’m a system. There are many of us here, as many as these wilted rosé petals. They are tired and weary, but all together, they are still a beautiful flower.

~ Jackie J

Jenna Erwin

Introspective in Blue

This emotional, introspective piece is blue, not necessarily due to being depressed or dejected, but being comforted, or comforting myself. It does have a sense of sadness, I suppose, but when I'm always in my head, along with my other alters, there's never just one emotion at one time, but many, which I hope I conveyed in this piece.

~ Jenna Erwin

Delta Carr-Romero

Delta Carr-Romero

No description provided.

Circle of Flashbacks

Circle of Flashbacks

To me, Ouroboros reminds me of the flashbacks that keep looping history even when it's not wanted.

~ Jay Smith

Feelings on a Shelf

This is a piece we made to exemplify how we often bottle up our difficult feelings and place them on a shelf to be dealt with at a later date.

~ High Priestess Collective